why: I'm reviewing this for possible use with my CU students this fall, but I've also wanted to read it for a while. All of my students who have read it in the past have loved it.
when: start 7/23, end 7/29
how: as an ebook on my ipad.
thoughts: Whoa. I can see why the Fairview librarian says he cannot keep this book on the shelf in our library. Not only is it constantly checked out (even the multiple copies he has of it), but he says it often walks away from the library permanently. It's an intense read for sure--a view into a different world for me for sure as I was lucky to have a very stable childhood in terms of having a solid roof over my head and food on the table to eat always. I never had to worry about my head getting rained on in my bed or not having heat or whether or not there would be money for food. The parents here--the lifestyle they lived was truly a choice, even though it was a lifestyle that did not provide basic necessities for their children. That was very difficult for me to understand, and I've been thinking a lot about it since I read it. A good friend of mine who is a writer hates this book--she wishes there was some humor, that the writer would at times show us the humor in some of these situations. And of course there were moments of that, and I think there are even moments in the book that could have been relayed with humor but were not. The absence of humor maybe even more underscores the tragedy of this story. The choices these parents made about the life they provided for their children--really there's not much redeeming there in my opinion. But maybe I'm being a bit too judgmental.
Click on the book image to get to the wikipedia entry on this book.
review haiku:
In a glass castle
dream, it's easy to forget
to feed your children.
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