why: This one is just for fun. I haven't read King in ages and a colleague posted a link about it in Facebook so I thought I would check it out.
when: start 7/6, end 7/8

thoughts: This was a fun read. It certainly doesn't achieve the psychological depth of some of King's work (like The Shining, for instance), but I'm pretty sure it's not about that anyhow. This is a fun summer read set in a fun and campy amusement park in the summer. There is a mystery in the middle of this book and a ghost too, but what takes center stage really is the world that this book throws you into--a world inhabited by carnies. Loved it.
Click on the book image to read a review of the book from the NYTimes.
review haiku:
a murder mystery?
kind of. Moreso a trip to
carny world. Enjoy!
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