Monday, October 7, 2013

Beyond the Deep: The Deadly Descent into the World's Most Treacherous Cave by William Stone, Barbara am Ende, and Monte Paulsen

Why: When Mr. Lefebvre book talked this one last week, it actually terrified me. So I know I have to read it. And I just read the first few pages via the preview available on Amazon and I was pretty terrified, but couldn't look away. Also, my students are right now reading personal narrative writing, so I must as well.

When: start 10/7/13, end 10/17/13

How: as an ebook on my ipad, purchased through my local independent book seller. 

Thoughts: I've been thinking a lot about why people spend all kinds of money on extreme physical challenges. This seems to fit into that. These people explore caves and caverns and underground rivers, risking their lives to do it. Why? Why do people do this?

After having read this, I'm not sure I quite figured this out. The explorers in this world of exploration seek "booty"--what they call unexplored subterranean terrain. They will put themselves and others in great peril in order to achieve this. I just wonder, is it worth it? Is it worth to spend so much money and risk people's lives just to set foot somewhere where no other human has before? Maybe it is worth it. It's just difficult for me to justify the expense when there are people going without food in the world. 

Click on the book image to get to the Wikipedia entry on one of the authors, William Stone.

Review Haiku:
deeper and deeper
they go seeking the booty
beyond all the sumps


  1. What about this book terrifies you? Is it the image of actually being trapped in a situation where this would be necessary, or the idea that others think this is fun, or something totally different?

    1. Thank you for leaving me a comment, Emma!
      It's the being trapped thing... under water, way below the surface of the earth--I just can't imagine doing that. I'm terrified of the idea of scuba diving even. Like a real fear, not just my avoidance of umbrellas. But scuba diving through caves deep in the earth? WHY WOULD ANYONE WANT TO DO THAT?
