when: January 2014
how: as an ebook on my ipad.
thoughts: Lo's work is important. Young people who identify as LGBTQ need to see themselves in books, to see their stories and experiences represented. And that's what we have in this book. This was a great read as a work of science fiction. The beginning opens with some birds falling dead from the sky--and not in a magical realism sort of way where the characters don't seem to notice and this all seems to be normal in the world of the text. The characters are freaked out. And it only gets weirder. And in the center of this there is a character trying to figure out her sexual identity, and that struggle is woven fully into the science fiction-y issues at the center of the text as well. Very cool how Lo has done that. There's a sequel. I'll read it after I conquer The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle (which so far is delightfully strange).
review haiku:
birds dead from the sky
airplanes downed by birds. Girl gets
alien DNA